Do you think Madeleine McCann is still alive:
Yes 114 (80%)
No 22 (15%)
Don't Know 5 (3%)
A Spiritual Haven for those wayfaring spirits looking for Spirituality, Guidance and Illumination. Feel free to venture through this realm of magick and mysticism in search of personal fulfilment and enlightenment!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Comment For Today ...
Well I can plainly see the crazy Elite plan with regard to the Swine Flue scaremongering. We, who they see as mere "herd mentality", are supposed to jump up and down with panic when we get the merest sniffle or sore throat! Even the normal cold is to be deemed as Swine Flu! We are being brainwashed into 'OH MY GOD ... I've got swine flu; I'm gonna die if I don't get my untested shot of vaccine'. Yes ... we are supposed to get into a blind panic when we get a cold or normal flu! We are then expected to get injected with an untested vaccine and be thankful ... then wait for the intended attack on our immune systems. We are supposed to be totally gullible with regard to this crazy pandemic of 'suspected swine flu' ...
Problem - reaction - solution in full force. Except, it won't be the solution we would hope for. Except it ain't anything more than a pre-planned and currently implemented problem introduced by some very sick people who have the psychotic desire to exterminate large numbers of innocent lives on this planet.
It's time we, the herd mentality, woke up to what is going on ... around us ... and refuse to panic in the current media frenzy regarding the swine flu. Remain calm and refuse to be daunted ... swine flu is harmless when compared with the biotoxins they plan to inject us all with!
Their plan will only work if you permit their media glamours to brainwash you. They will succeed only if you give over your mind to their suggestions.
Problem - reaction - solution in full force. Except, it won't be the solution we would hope for. Except it ain't anything more than a pre-planned and currently implemented problem introduced by some very sick people who have the psychotic desire to exterminate large numbers of innocent lives on this planet.
It's time we, the herd mentality, woke up to what is going on ... around us ... and refuse to panic in the current media frenzy regarding the swine flu. Remain calm and refuse to be daunted ... swine flu is harmless when compared with the biotoxins they plan to inject us all with!
Their plan will only work if you permit their media glamours to brainwash you. They will succeed only if you give over your mind to their suggestions.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Google Earth launches interactive 3D moon atlas to celebrate Apollo landings

Forty years ago, two human beings walked on the moon. Starting today, with Moon in Google Earth, it’s now possible for anyone to follow in their footsteps,’ said Moon in Google Earth Product Manager, Michael Weiss-Malik.
‘We’re giving hundreds of millions of people around the world unprecedented access to an interactive 3D presentation of the Apollo missions.’
The incredible experience, which is a new addition to Google Earth 5.0, was announced today in a presentation at the Newseum in Washington, DC. (Daily Mail)
Enigma In The Canberra Sky ...
A clear blue sky this morning, and in that clear blue sky in the EXACT same spot as in previous days, was the EXACT same cloud formation! Well, not exactly a cloud 'formation' ... more like a cloud trail. Just hanging in there in the wondrous blue at about '3 0'clock' on the right hand side of the sun.
I wasn't driving so I was able to observe the enigma more closely, as we drove towards Monaro Highway. The enigma then had a much more interesting aspect to it ... one which even Kristine could see (she was driving) ... at the head of the 'cloud formation' was a rather large silver object like a craft. Except it WASN'T a plane. The object had the appearance of something oval, and judging by the altitude of the cloud trail, this object was massive! So what was it? I was thinking space station at that moment? But could the space station be seen in orbit in Australia at 8.15am in the morning? Would it have a cloud trail? A cloud trail most surely means something is in the earth's atmosphere does it not? This thing appears to be in the same position ... the trail has been sighted in the same spot over the last few weeks.
I looked again ... and the object appeared much smaller ... then seemed to just 'disappear' like it was cloaked! Then later when I noted the cloud trail once more ... the trail was still there hanging in the blue sky. But the large metallic object was gone from sight.
It is an enigma alright. It is most certainly not a cloud or a contrail made by a jet ... it is always the same shape and always in the same position every morning. So what is it? And what was the large oval metallic craft that was seen in the sky in the same spot?
The mystery deepens.
I wasn't driving so I was able to observe the enigma more closely, as we drove towards Monaro Highway. The enigma then had a much more interesting aspect to it ... one which even Kristine could see (she was driving) ... at the head of the 'cloud formation' was a rather large silver object like a craft. Except it WASN'T a plane. The object had the appearance of something oval, and judging by the altitude of the cloud trail, this object was massive! So what was it? I was thinking space station at that moment? But could the space station be seen in orbit in Australia at 8.15am in the morning? Would it have a cloud trail? A cloud trail most surely means something is in the earth's atmosphere does it not? This thing appears to be in the same position ... the trail has been sighted in the same spot over the last few weeks.
I looked again ... and the object appeared much smaller ... then seemed to just 'disappear' like it was cloaked! Then later when I noted the cloud trail once more ... the trail was still there hanging in the blue sky. But the large metallic object was gone from sight.
It is an enigma alright. It is most certainly not a cloud or a contrail made by a jet ... it is always the same shape and always in the same position every morning. So what is it? And what was the large oval metallic craft that was seen in the sky in the same spot?
The mystery deepens.
Monday, July 20, 2009
"Night Flights"
Into distant places, I fly at night
The gates stand open wide
Awaiting the signal, I give my command
I know the code, I have learnt those utterances
They’ve been part of my spirit for such a long time
I fly on, into parallel skies
With similar form to the here and now
But few mortals will understand
Or comprehend it is not a dream
Yet, in the night, mortals would say it was but a dream
I know, for sure, by day is the dream
And through the passage of the night, I travel between worlds
One of the countless long distant travelers at the speed of light
The gates are but an ancient toy
But alas my passage through brings me no joy
I fail to find the destination I seek
Somewhere in time its sequence has been forgotten
I cannot recall it but know not why
My spirit ain’t absent minded
There is a reason and an intelligence behind the concealment …
Thus it is my mission to overcome …
To remember …
To be victorious when I return back to those skies
A renegade reunited with forgotten places
Somewhere … somehow … this will be so.
---Matthew James---
The gates stand open wide
Awaiting the signal, I give my command
I know the code, I have learnt those utterances
They’ve been part of my spirit for such a long time
I fly on, into parallel skies
With similar form to the here and now
But few mortals will understand
Or comprehend it is not a dream
Yet, in the night, mortals would say it was but a dream
I know, for sure, by day is the dream
And through the passage of the night, I travel between worlds
One of the countless long distant travelers at the speed of light
The gates are but an ancient toy
But alas my passage through brings me no joy
I fail to find the destination I seek
Somewhere in time its sequence has been forgotten
I cannot recall it but know not why
My spirit ain’t absent minded
There is a reason and an intelligence behind the concealment …
Thus it is my mission to overcome …
To remember …
To be victorious when I return back to those skies
A renegade reunited with forgotten places
Somewhere … somehow … this will be so.
---Matthew James---
A Quote For The Day
“The deep root of failure in our lives is to think, ‘Oh how useless and powerless I am.’ It is essential to think strongly and forcefully, ‘I can do it,’ without boasting or fretting.” -- Dalai Lama
Friday, July 17, 2009
Interlude: 'An Ode to BAA TA'
This is but a short word
that refers to a tiny part of the web
So sickly absurd;
A small crowd of subverts
And a sub-normal freak,
Who in truth, are undesirable perverts
Exercising their version of freewill to speak
Spreading their filth insignificantly
‘insanity personified’ is what I see
I laugh with glee, tee hee …
This is an ode to BAA TA
An anagram so easy to understand by far …
But for those who cant see …
An ode to the AAA and ‘TB’ (the man with the funny glasses) …
May you drown in your own rotting excrement,
You are but perverts so hellbent
On broadcasting a warped and psychotic version of it all,
You are so foolish, you will not be aware,
You are heading for one mighty fall.
Padded cells are prepared; one has already been there,
A rope to you had been so freely given, but you did not see
A rope to be pulled so tight around your necks some day sooner than later I’m sure
Then ha ha BAA TA … you’ll be no more
I laugh with glee,
tee hee …
The sickest, most vile and most disgusting perverts by far
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Mars Anomalies ...
Another batch of reversed images derived from Google Mars imagery.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A Strange Sight ... in the Canberra skies.
A strange vapour-like trail has been spotted in the skies over Canberra for two day's on the trot now. Sighted in the exact same position when we'd travelled along Monaro Highway towards Fyshwick. It appears to be like a comet's tail, possibly at a high altitude in the sky... in a fixed position. It's an odd sight. First impression it was the vapour trail of a passing plane since the airport is close by. But, then today ... it was in the exact same position and also the same size!!! Bizarre as it is not going anywhere!
Anyone else notice it?
Anyone else notice it?
The Truth ...
There is an inherent desire to pursue the unknowable. Mankind's quest into the occult has been timeless. It is a genetic impulse to comprehend the unknowable. Brave souls journey this unchartered path, using the symbolism & magic systems devised during this eternal sojourn. They battle on with personal demons and with mortals who stand outside of their understanding.
Denial of the occult lies all around. Poor souls who's own light has been extinguished by the logical mind of the physical form. It is not their time or moment to make this journey. It is easy to go with the fear of change. Easier to permit to ridiculing those who explore the truth. Easier to remain in scientific comfort zones. However, the real truth is so much more ... a truth the spiritual journeyman know deep inside. It is not something text books or theorising reveals. To live the path reveals the truth indeed goes on. Mortal man is but the dream of the soul. The Spirit is the truth and the only reality. Mortal man is but a figment of The Spirit's imagination. That is the truth --- Matthew James

An Apt Quote Of The Day ...
"When you fight something, you’re tied to it forever. As long as you’re fighting it, you’re giving it power." -- Anthony de Mello
"What you resist persists. And only what you look at, and own, can disappear. You make it disappear by simply changing your mind about it." -- Neale Donald Walsch
"What you resist persists. And only what you look at, and own, can disappear. You make it disappear by simply changing your mind about it." -- Neale Donald Walsch
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Free Advertising
All credit to a 'nice kind person' for providing me with FREE advertising on their web site. Mark, my words ... even bad publicity is good publicity!
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