Monday, July 20, 2009

"Night Flights"

Into distant places, I fly at night
The gates stand open wide
Awaiting the signal, I give my command
I know the code, I have learnt those utterances
They’ve been part of my spirit for such a long time

I fly on, into parallel skies
With similar form to the here and now
But few mortals will understand
Or comprehend it is not a dream
Yet, in the night, mortals would say it was but a dream

I know, for sure, by day is the dream
And through the passage of the night, I travel between worlds
One of the countless long distant travelers at the speed of light
The gates are but an ancient toy
But alas my passage through brings me no joy

I fail to find the destination I seek
Somewhere in time its sequence has been forgotten
I cannot recall it but know not why
My spirit ain’t absent minded
There is a reason and an intelligence behind the concealment …

Thus it is my mission to overcome …
To remember …
To be victorious when I return back to those skies
A renegade reunited with forgotten places
Somewhere … somehow … this will be so.
---Matthew James---