Well I can plainly see the crazy Elite plan with regard to the Swine Flue scaremongering. We, who they see as mere "herd mentality", are supposed to jump up and down with panic when we get the merest sniffle or sore throat! Even the normal cold is to be deemed as Swine Flu! We are being brainwashed into 'OH MY GOD ... I've got swine flu; I'm gonna die if I don't get my untested shot of vaccine'. Yes ... we are supposed to get into a blind panic when we get a cold or normal flu! We are then expected to get injected with an untested vaccine and be thankful ... then wait for the intended attack on our immune systems. We are supposed to be totally gullible with regard to this crazy pandemic of 'suspected swine flu' ...
Problem - reaction - solution in full force. Except, it won't be the solution we would hope for. Except it ain't anything more than a pre-planned and currently implemented problem introduced by some very sick people who have the psychotic desire to exterminate large numbers of innocent lives on this planet.
It's time we, the herd mentality, woke up to what is going on ... around us ... and refuse to panic in the current media frenzy regarding the swine flu. Remain calm and refuse to be daunted ... swine flu is harmless when compared with the biotoxins they plan to inject us all with!
Their plan will only work if you permit their media glamours to brainwash you. They will succeed only if you give over your mind to their suggestions.