Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Truth ...

There is an inherent desire to pursue the unknowable. Mankind's quest into the occult has been timeless. It is a genetic impulse to comprehend the unknowable. Brave souls journey this unchartered path, using the symbolism & magic systems devised during this eternal sojourn. They battle on with personal demons and with mortals who stand outside of their understanding.
Denial of the occult lies all around. Poor souls who's own light has been extinguished by the logical mind of the physical form. It is not their time or moment to make this journey. It is easy to go with the fear of change. Easier to permit to ridiculing those who explore the truth. Easier to remain in scientific comfort zones. However, the real truth is so much more ... a truth the spiritual journeyman know deep inside. It is not something text books or theorising reveals. To live the path reveals the truth indeed goes on. Mortal man is but the dream of the soul. The Spirit is the truth and the only reality. Mortal man is but a figment of The Spirit's imagination. That is the truth --- Matthew James