Flying on silent wings, dodging the bullets of scorn
Sent by the rifles held by the automatons ... those closed minded puppets of shame
Human shells programmed to ignore the truth, and ride the tides of illusion
Told from an early age this is their one and only life ...
Disconnected from the realms I fly through ...
I give them the grace by accepting it is their right to think in the way they do
But they cannot respect me in the same way ...
They must force their delusion upon me,
Because that which I see on the ordinary day to day,
Threatens their very existence with its possibility of being true.
Thus they cannot let me fly by without aiming their ballistics towards me ...
And the stealers laugh ... and tighten the noose on the puppets even more
Knowing within themselves the skies I witness are what they see too
And the stealers further deceive the puppets
Averting their minds still further from the shining light I shine
Dictating my way, my light, my right ... is an abomination.
But it is not they who must shoulder the blame
It is the children of the one born free who are the guilty
Innocent upon birth, gradually giving in to the violence of a false environment
Permitting the disconnection to take hold ... becoming believers of the falsehoods.
Lost are they in that frenzied mire ... unhappy in their material lives
Because it was not what they sought ... wealth and power not the ambrosia they prized
What I carry in my awareness is the very thing they as the innocent agreed to hold in their grasp
It is their weakness not mine ...
It is their fears not mine.
I’m slakeless and free to fly onward ...
And forge the way across the sky
For when they follow, in whatever time.
For follow they shall.
It is their doom to respect the voice of the shadow in these desperate times ...
Their doom not mine.
Their peril not mine.
My reality is a vision of the true skies ...
---Matthew James May 2010