A Spiritual Haven for those wayfaring spirits looking for Spirituality, Guidance and Illumination. Feel free to venture through this realm of magick and mysticism in search of personal fulfilment and enlightenment!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Delving A Little Too Deep ....
.... maybe. But these reversed images of gates, portals, looking glasses, star-gates ... or whatever they are called ... depicts interesting 'technology' to say the least. The greater part of the human population, who are largely ignorant of higher forces, intelligences beyond mankind, will no doubt not see what they are not meant to see! Bless them all. Unable to shake off the conditioning of the mind set commencing from early childhood, they live in their material world oblivious to what is really here on this planet. Me? I've ALWAYS known there are other races. I'd been shown as a young child and had it explained to me ... my path was set so to speak ... on the road of the 'traveller between worlds'. It is easy for me to accept and to see as I've done dozens and dozens and dozens of projections, pathworkings and astral travels ... where I've met with other races. The consensus has always been that the truth is coming out slowly ... too much too soon will cause mass panic! Even The Elite ... the 'they' ... appear to be cool about the idea about the truth about other life forms coming out slowly. It suits their agenda apparently ... anyway, I digress ... the following images were found in New Mexico ... a handful of images made in an area where there were literally thousands of strange circular anomalies in the landscape ...
These images need to be double clicked to be enlarged to really appreciate the strange shapes and scenes contained within the circles. This one has what looks like black smoke clouds within them ... plus other things