Archangel: Khamael
Order Of Angels: Seraphim (Fiery Serpents)
Spiritual Experience: The Vision Of Power
Symbols: Pentagon, Sword, Spear, Chain, Five-Petalled Rose
Magical Image: A Mighty Warrior in his Chariot
Mundane Chakra: Mars
Personal Chakra: Heart Chakra (The Anahata Chakra)
Text: The Radical Intelligence
Virtue: Energy, courage
Vice: Cruelty, destruction
Title: Pachad - fear, din - justice
Colours in Atziluth: Orange
Colours in Briah: Scarlet red
Colours in Yetzirah: Bright scarlet
Colours in Assiah: Red flecked black
Tarot Cards: the FIVES
5 of Wands: Swiftness
5 of Cups: Abandoned success
5 of Swords: Shortened force
5 of Pentacles: Prudence